Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kids Keep You Young

On Saturday I had the opportunity to chaperone a middle school event taking place at the local amusement park. I am lucky because my 13 year old daughter still likes hanging out with me and asked me to share this day with her. Of course that meant also sharing it with a group of 6 other 13 year old girls. This being my youngest child, I am becoming vividly aware of how fleeting these moments actually become. Within another year or two, she will want to spend time with her friends and not include mom!

As I rode the bus to the park and listened to the giggling around me I thought, "What have I gotten myself into!" When we got there, I stopped the girls and gently outlined some guidelines so everyone could enjoy the day and not make me crazy! The first thing I asked was, "How many of you are riders?" Now, I know that some kids enjoy lots of activity and others are more nervous or relaxed. To my surprise they all seven raised their hands.

That was when my DD informed me that the kids signed up in groups based upon how much they enjoy rides, carnival games or other options. She informed me,"Mom, I told them you love to ride everything!" That statement was definitely true in my youth. My father loved roller coasters and that became a special connection between the two of us. When everyone else would bail, my father and I would jump in line again. In the last several years, I have been plagued with Vertigo and as a result have had much more difficulty riding as much as I would like. The girls were expecting me to ride so that no one had to go single.

That's when I made my decision. I would ride EVERYTHING! I thought of my father. Because of health issues, he is now limited in the rides he is able to do. The large thrill rides are no longer an option for him. I know he misses them. I wanted to drink in the full experience with these girls. These girls were relentless, often circling in line two and three times. I think the teacher had given me the little Energizer Bunnies!

So..I RODE EVERYTHING! Well...except for the spinning barrel. I just couldn't bring myself to do that one and it did not require a partner. Blessedly, I felt great all day. As I screamed and laughed and felt the wind whip through my hair I was so thankful to have this day with such wonderful kids!


  1. Oh, you are WAY braver than me! I don't think, I mean I KNOW I couldn't have handled all those crazy rides, especially the "dizzy" ones! Glad you had a fun time!

  2. You are the brave one with all your running. I only run if I am being chased and even then I would probably give up and be caught in less than a mile!
