Monday, June 28, 2010

What's Wrong With A Little Solitude?

Solitude...the word means different things to different folks.

Some people find the idea of solitude puzzling and some find it downright scary. For me, solitude is like a cool lake...refreshing and renewing. It was with this need for rest and renewal that I chose to spend a few days in complete solitude. The plan was simple, take a few days for myself with some general goals in mind but with no true structure.

It has been interesting to me the reactions I have received in my quest for solitude.

I have been made to feel guilty...

"You are leaving your children?" (They are teenagers and young adults). "You are leaving your husband?" (Only for a couple of days and yes I do love him!)

I have apparently caused worry...

Is something wrong? Are you OK? Is there something you need to tell me? (From my mom who worries about everything...and yes all is well.)

I have received comments that show that some are puzzled...

"What will you do all by yourself? (Whatever I want, thank you very much!)

I have even been the source of envy...

"I would love to be able to be by myself for a few days! (So why don't you take the time?)

I sat out on the deck looking over the lake at our condo this morning drinking my coffee and watching the birds and looking for deer. As I sat, I worked through some personal goals for myself and my family. I planned ways I can be more present as a mom and wife. I thanked God for the wonderful family I had back at home. They did not make me feel guilty...well just a little (smile).

At the end of my few days of solitude I will be bombarded by my husband and five teenagers for the long holiday weekend. I know now I will be ready for them! We will go boating, jetskiing and tubing. We will grill out and play card games. It will be loud and active and I will love every moment of it!

But for today...I will drink another cup of coffee and enjoy....SOLITUDE!


  1. I think that's the only thing I like about having the kids at school. I love the solitude I can have in our quiet house, listening to the dryer (that never seems to stop), the birds, the hum of the fridge. It's too bad that people get so caught up in Life (myself included) that we can't have a day of solitude a week.

    Happy to see you back on here again! : )

  2. As a writer, solitude is a very precious thing, dare I say, a holy thing. I admire your solitude plan. It refreshes and revives the spirit. Anyone who questions it, has never known the real bliss that solitude can bring.

  3. Thanks Katie! I am glad to be back! The last couple of months have been crazy!

    Joann, I am a hopeful writer as well and I often have difficulty in the summer finding that alone time to think. I am generally being interrupted!
